5 amazing hair care after bleach you can try at home
Hair care after bleach is important to maintain the appealing condition of the hair. Bleaching is a trendy hairstyle but at the same time makes your hair dry and tangles. In the article below, we have listed down 5 hair care after bleach tips for you to do at home.
Why is hair care after bleach important
Hair bleaching is not a new hairstyle to many people, especially the young who prefer outstanding hair colors. Hair bleaching is the process of removing melanin in the hair with specialized chemicals that make the hair lose its original color. That is why, hair care after bleach and color is important to maintain the amazing look of the hair.
- Melanin is the pigment that gives color to hair, skin, and eyes. When the hair loses melanin, the hair turns white or gray. This is indeed a great condition for those of you who want to dye your hair to a color like platinum or smoky gray. The darker your hair, the more you will have to bleach it with a more concentrated bleach.
- Normally, a typical brown/black hair color will undergo an average of 2 hair bleaching sessions to be able to dye their hair light. During the hair bleaching process, the structure of the hair fiber is broken due to the impact of chemicals that affect the pulp, middle and cuticle layers of the hair. The hair fiber is no longer protected like the original, so after bleaching your hair, your hair is often severely damaged, so take care of hair after bleach is crucial.
That is why, hair care after bleach is essential since it helps maintain the smoothness and silkiness condition of the hair. Down below, we will show you 5 amazing hair care after bleach tips for you!
5 amazing hair care after bleach you can try at home
Hair care after bleach is an important step to keep your hair looking amazing after bleach. We have listed down 5 hair care after bleach tips for you to do at home.
Limit shampooing: tip 1 hair care after bleach
The first hair care after bleach tips is to wash your hair properly and limit the number of shampoos per week because the hair at this time is very fragile and damaged. After bleaching and dyeing your hair for about 2 to 3 days, you should start using shampoo.
Remember to choose the right shampoo for your bleached hair is also one of the important hair care after bleach steps and it is best to wash your hair every three to four days.
Minimize the use of heat on the hair: tip 2 hair care after bleach
After bleaching, the hair becomes extremely weak, so hair care after bleach is extremely vital. Every time you go out, you should roll your hair or wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your hair from the sun.
- After shampooing, you should let your hair dry naturally, and limit the use of heat on your hair. High heat from hair dryers, styling machines… causes hair to fade very quickly, especially light dyed tones.
- If it is necessary to use hair tools, be sure to apply or spray hair conditioner to create a protective layer for the hair. The best hair care after bleaching is to avoid exposing your hair to high temperatures.
Moisturizing: tip 3 hair care after bleach
According to research experts, the process of bleaching and dyeing loses the elasticity of hair up to 60%. The hair care after bleach and color secret to helping hair recover quickly during this time is moisturizing.
Keep in mind that bleach makes hair very dry, so don’t skip the color conditioner when you wash your hair, and use a conditioner when your hair is damp once a week to rehydrate your hair.
You should use hair conditioners such as olive oil, argan oil containing fatty acids that have the ability to moisturize, protect your hair from damage. Moisturizing is one of the best hair care after bleaching which is underestimated by many people.
Change towels often: tip 4 hair care after bleach
One of the hair care after bleaching secrets is to change your towels often. New hair towels absorb water faster and help you avoid having to rub your hair vigorously when drying, avoiding damage to your hair, minimizing hair loss and tangles.
Finally, if you still intend to change your hair color and hairstyle, you should go to reputable salons where quality hair products are used, with hair restoration features so that your hair does not break or fall into worse condition. Because hair care after bleaching will not work if you didn’t bleach your hair with high quality perm.
Use a protein hair mask: tip 5 hair care after bleach
Using a protein hair mask at home to nourish your hair is a great hair care after bleach. Protein hair masks at home are a great way to give your hair an intensive treatment without having to spend a lot of money at the hairdresser. This hair care after bleaching is usually available at drugstores or online. Look for products that contain keratin, a protein that is beneficial for hair.
- Make your own protein hair care after bleaching mask by mixing 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of white yogurt. Mix in 1 or 2 more tablespoons of yogurt if you have shoulder-length hair. Leave the mask on your hair for about 30 minutes, then rinse your hair with cold water to avoid ripening the eggs in your hair.
- Use a protein hair care after bleaching mask every night for the first week after bleaching if your hair is too dry and brittle.
Here are the 5 hair care after bleach tips that Queen Hair highly recommend you to try at home. Hair care after bleach is extremely important, because after bleaching, your hair will be much weaker and dryer. To prevent this condition, follow our hair care after bleaching tips to maintain the smooth and silkiness of the hair.